Monday, August 4, 2008


I'm working on a series of situations containing a prairie dog and a burrowing owl. During my usual Discovery channel-a-thon I learned they sometimes hang out in the same burrow. So I thought that could make for some funny drawings, most of which involve running away from danger. So here is the first.


Unknown said...

I'm guessing the owl doesn't like to eat prairie dogs right? I think you could create a whole story out of your drawing (ya I know, that's the point). There is a looney toons short where a vulture is raised by a very sweet mouse and when it eventually grows up it has to fight the urge to eat its mouse daddy. I imagine something similar could be happening to your critters here (with the addition that there will be an affective message about the vanishing prairie and all of the Bambi's mom just died sentimentality that goes with it). What are their names? For some reason the owl looks like he/she has a high-fallutin name like Romulus and the ground hog looks like a Jeff or a Bob or maybe a Greg.
Anyway, great color and I like the expressions on their faces.

Robin said...

One of my favorites. I feel lucky I get to see your art from start finish. AMAZING!

Libby said...

Love it. I think the wing turned out just right.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Libby was my nanny when I was little. I really like your art!

shelby said...

Nate Anna loves this picture cant wait for more!!!

Anonymous said...

This one is my favorite so far. It is really good. You have a future here, I am positive. More, more, I want more.... How about something with a "smiley" face.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I messed up. The last comment was from me. your mother in law.